Evil Evil Universe
I think the universe wants my bobby pins.
Let me explain.

Have you ever noticed that your socks disappear when you use the dryer? You put an even number of socks in the dryer and, upon completion of the drying process, an uneven number of socks come out of the dryer. Have you ever wondered why this is?
It's because the dryer wants your socks.
Similarly, the back yard wants the dogs' chew toys. The dishwasher wants all my favorite spoons. The under-bed wants my shoes. The couch wants my car keys. The couch also wants my money. You get the picture.
Well, the universe wants my bobby pins. I can't even count how many bobby pins I've bought over the last few months. Last time, I bought a jumbo pack. It contained about 200 bobby pins. That's a lot of bobby pins. Well, they're all gone. Yesterday, I needed two bobby pins. However, in my entire house, I could only find one bobby pin. What use is one measly bobby pin? I found myself in utter disbeleif, and then it hit me.
The universe wants my bobby pins.
Maybe I should switch to paperclips or duct tape or rubber cement. I just need something to hold my hair back, and bobby pins are no longer the answer.