Liberals Are Funny.
Today, I would like to present to you a shining example of why I love liberals, despite the fact that they're stupid and they tend to smell bad.
Liberals make every effort to piss off us right-wingers and I'll be the first to admit that sometimes, their utter absurdness does manage to get under our skin. In the end, however, all they really succeed in doing is providing us with a constant source of entertainment.
Allow me to illustrate.
The College Republicans are bringing a guest speaker, Dan Flynn to the U of O to speak on the subject of "Why the Left Hates America," which is, incidentally, the title of one of his books. We've been publicizing the event with these pink flyers everywhere:

Needless to say, that is going to grab the eye of any typical liberal nutcase. So this is what the lefties did. They took our flyer and made their own version of it, with a few minor adjustments. Check it out:

Honestly, it just has to make you laugh. What are we going to be, mad that they're helping attract attention to our event?? We want people to show up, believe it or not, and the hard work on their part to get people to attend is greatly appreciated, really.
So there you go. Their ideology may be complete bullshit, but at least liberals are funny!
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