March 29, 2005

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us,
Although them again we will never, never, never trust.

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do,
Forgive them, forgive them.

~ Lauryn Hill

March 24, 2005

"Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun." ~ Ecclesiastes 2:11

My grandma and I spent the day today looking at homes. Rich peoples' homes. She's an interior designer and does this stuff for a living... Get this, she just finished re-doing the floor in a client's house with some fancy shmancy flooring... uhh... stuff... and it cost them $32,000. Holy mother... That's, like, 60 times what I paid for my car. And she hasn't even started on the rest of the house yet.

Anywho, the point is, she deals with these ritzy rich people every day (partly because she is one of them and can relate to them). I, however, grew up in Africa and *GASP* I even use public restrooms.

So we looked at homes all day, crazy rich homes, and we critiqued them. Apparently, I have an eye, which doesn't surprise me because my grandma has a pretty good eye. An eye that has become rather extravagant but still, an eye. Some of the homes we looked at, holy doody, they were insane. Finally, in one of the bigger homes, she mentioned something about how she would love to own a home like that one day and I said, rather plainly, "I really would never want to live in anything this fancy, this big, or this expensive."


It's weird to me, how the tendency is to always want bigger, better, more features, more options, more, more, more. I just have no desire for any of that stuff. Sure, there's stuff I want that I don't really need, but the idea of paying $32,000 for your floor makes me want to vomit. Give me the worn wood floors and the tattered brown carpets in the old, familiar Alipaz house any day.

Speaking of which, I went to Visalia and visited Mike & Carol Alipaz on Monday, which was great. I always love going there because it's the only house that's been there ever since I was a little kid. I've lived in it for periods of time, I've ridden their horses, I've swam in their pool for hours on end, and it's just one of the best places in the world to go back to. It was different this time, though. I've always been there with my parents or with my brother before. This time, I went alone, as an adult. One of those turning points, small but significant to me.

I just realized that I'm turning 20 next month. Yup. The weirdest part of that is when I start thinking that, if I'm 20, Josh must be almost 23. It's strange... The first image that comes to mind when I think of my brother is when he was 11 years old and he shaved his head, when we lived in Switzerland. In my mental image, he's wearing these short little black jean shorts pulled clear up past his belly button and his ears are protruding from his head even more than usual, due to the lack of hair. I think he's grown into his ears since then. Today, I saw an old black and white picture of my dad at that age. He had those same huuge ears.

Anywho, I'm going up to visit Auntie 'Nita and Uncle Daryl tomorrow so I should go to sleep. Smaxwell (Max) is laying at the foot of my bed, sleeping peacefully. I miss my Henry, who's probably sleeping on my bed back in Eugene right now. He has his half of the bed and I have mine but when I'm not there, he usually sleeps in my place, curled up on my pillow. He knows he's not supposed to but I just can't get over how cute it is. Some would say that it gets dog on my pillow but I say, hey, dog is on everything else, why not the pillow?

I wuv you Hinnykin. I wuv Smax too though. I think I'll just wuv you both. Yeah, let's do that.

:kiss: :kiss:

March 20, 2005

It's been a while since I've listened to Live. As I was listening to them today, I remembered why they're my favorite band: they're awesome. That's pretty much it. So this is my song of the moment, the one I have on repeat...

Dance With You by Live

Sitting on the beach
The island king of love
Deep in Fijian Seas
Deep in some blissful dream

Where the goddess finally sleeps
In the lap of her lover
Subdued in all her rage
And I'm aglow with the taste of the demons driven out
And happily replaced with the presence of real love
The only one who saves

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace

I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face

The stillness in your eyes
Convinces me that I
I don't know a thing

And I been around the world
And I've tasted all the wines a half a billion times
Came sickened to your shores
You show me what this life is for

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace

I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face

In this altered state
Full of so much pain and rage
You know we got to find a way to let it go

Sittin' on the beach
The island king of love
Deep in Fijian Seas

Deep in the heart of it all where the goddess finally sleeps
After eons of war and lifetimes
She smilin' and free, nothin' left
But a cracking voice and a song, oh Lord

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
The karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace

I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
And lead us back to a world we would not face...

We would not face...

We would not face...

We would not face...

P.S. Yesterday was the 2-year anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. Take that, terrorist biatches! Apparently there were a bunch of anti-war protests going on, which I missed out on because I'm NOT IN EUGENE!!!! Hahahahaha... You can protest the war all you want. Good luck getting it to end after two years of acheiving our goals.

Yup, liberals are still stupid.

March 17, 2005

I decided to boycott St. Patrick's Day. Here's why.

1) It has a horrible name. Saint Patrick, that's about the biggest oxymoron ever. Some of you know why, some of you don't, but it's just a bad name all around. Ugh. That's about all I'm saying on the matter here.

2) It freaks me out. When I was a little kid, they would put green dye in the toilets at school and we would take a field trip (of sorts) to the bathroom, where the teacher would yell, "OH! THERE GOES A LEPRACHAUN!!" And then would point to the green pee water as proof. I spent many, many years being freaked out of leprachauns in the bathroom. That is, until I moved to Africa and someone said that snakes could come up the toilet drain. Suddenly, leprachauns weren't so bad. (I still check for snakes.)

3) I forgot about it today. Why? Because it's a pretty useless holiday. I didn't even think to wear green. (And nobody pinched me, take THAT.) I didn't even know it was coming. I wasn't even aware that it hadn't already happened. Something named "St. Patrick's Day" just doesn't deserve to be on my radar, I'm sorry. Except not really.

4) Because. Yup, just because. Four reasons are better than three, or so they say.

No, they don't really.

It's a metaphor.

But it actually happened, though.

Well... it's time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian. Good night, all. the way, does anyone know where my Dodgeball DVD went??

This is what's up in Tucktown:

Tuesday, 10:30 PM: My grandma called from Fresno, said, "Hey Mel, you want to come visit for your Easter break?" I said, "Yes!" She said, "Okay, can you find a flight for tomorrow?" I said, "Holy cow, uhh, okay.."

11:00 PM: I called American Airlines to redeem their Advantage points for a free flight.

11:30 PM: I had my ticket.

ALL NIGHT: Packing, working, taking care of stuff, etc.

Wednesday, 10:00 AM: Got in my car, drove up to Portland to the airport.

12:00 PM: Got to the airport with time to kill. Read almost half of the book I Love You, Ronnie, which is a book by Nancy Reagan about Ronnie's love letters to her throughout the years. I cried reading it, which is rare. If you know me very well at all, you know that my family accuses me of having a heart of stone because I don't cry very often. Anyway, good book. Read it. You can borrow it from me.

4:30 PM: Delayed flight, finally left PDX.

6:45 PM: Walked to baggage claim, a grandparent on each arm.

So I'm in Fresno until the 26th. I fly back to Portland around noon and then I'm going to the Blazer game in the evening. Even though I'm not a Blazer fan. Dangit, too bad my Laker jersey is in Eugene! Hahaha... Oh well, I guess I'll have to wear something Republican instead. If I can't make Blazer fans hate me, I at least have to try my best to make Liberals hate me!

Oh by the way, cute Dorchester picture:

I love Jenny and Jenna. Haha, I just realized that they're both Jennifers.. that's funny.. only not really.. anyway. Yeah. Just look at the picture and admire Neil's sunglasses, which I wore inside all night long. I'm cool like that, yeah.

IMPORTANT: Who has the picture of me and Jenna kissing Nik? I want that picture, whoever's camera it was.

March 15, 2005

So about a month ago, I got 7 inches of my hair cut off. I took a before picture but I never got around to taking an after picture until today.

Gotta love SuperCuts. I also got a hair straightener so that's why my hair's so much, uhh, straighter. But yeah, most people didn't really notice because my hair's still pretty long. Anywho, it's easier to manage and, when I leave it curly, it's pretty short, which is a fun feeling. But yeah.

March 07, 2005

Soooo, AMAZING weekend at the Dorchester conference in Seaside this weekend!! Nikster, you're not my only OSU friend anymore! :winky: Hey, I'm living proof that you can have schloads of fun and not drink alcohol... I get my high from water, LOL.

Slept on the beach Saturday night, which was just about the coolest thing ever. A♥ Sand everywhere, though. I still have sand in my hair, even though I just washed it.

Umm.. Oh, I also managed to pull my left arm partly out of its socket this weekend. It didn't hurt at all at the time but right now, I'm having a lot of trouble lifting my arm very high, especially when I have to change clothes. Maybe I'll just put on my pajamas and stay that way until my arm is better. Yess.

Heh, we had the awesomest dance party EVER on the ride home in Jenny's car. ONE TWO STEP! Hollaaaaaa... WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?! Here's to my girls.. Yeah, you guessed it, I'm doin' the windshield wiper dance! It's a rainbow!

I love you guys. Republicans are the BEST.