This boot is killin' me.

Well, a couple of weeks ago it started killing again (as opposed to the regular dull pain) so I finally went to get it checked out. Long story short, I wound up getting an incomplete in my hip hop class and I'll finish the class next term. They x-rayed my foot and, of course, the x-rays were inconclusive. So it's a probable stress fracture, possible strain. For a stress fracture, I have to wear the boot for 12 weeks. For a strain, only 4 or 5 weeks. Luckily, I already had the boot from a previous injury a couple of years ago.
I don't really hobble anymore because between this and the amount of time I spent wearing the boot a couple years ago, I've become extremely skilled at walking in it. The only pain is driving. The first day I put the boot back on a few weeks ago, I decided to try driving with it on. Hah. Seriously, I thought I was gonna die all the way to work. By its very nature, the boot completely immobilizes your ankle, among other things. I never realized how key the ankle was in driving, expecially a car with manual trasmission. My left foot was busy with the clutch so my poor booted right foot was left trying to work the gas and the brakes. Trust me on this one, when you're wearing a mother boot, it's very hard to tell if your foot is on the break or the gas... or both. Or neither. So now when I drive, I have to take the boot on and off which is quite a hassle, because there's about a zillion velcro straps to fiddle with (refer to the picture above).
But, at least my foot is feeling better. And as for everything else since my last post over a month ago, life is pretty good. I'm done with school for the term and in about a week, I'm off to Texas to visit my grandparents until January 7th. I cannot wait for warmer weather.
So, since you finally updated, I took the opportunity to review some of your older posts, and their comments. And I must say that after reading all of my comments... I kick ass!
So pretty much, I can't wait for the next bitter person pushing their unrelated agenda or venting their off-topic political frustration on your blog. Oh, I can't wait, and when that glorious moment finally comes, I'm gonna party like it's 1999!!
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