August 29, 2005

Breakaway! [or don't..]

Is it lame that I've become addicted to Kelly Clarkson's CD Breakaway?

I mean... I've only watched American Idol, like, twice so it's not like I'm an American Idol freak. Not that you're a freak necessarily if you're an American Idol enthusiast. I'm sure not everybody stereotypes the show and it's audience the same way I do. Not that you're a loser if you watch the show, well, I take that back. You have a greater likelihood of being a loser if you're addicted to a show called "American Idol." Seriously, think about it. Everything that's wrong with our society can be exemplified in some way or another in one episode of American Idol. The only thing good about the show is that the contestants actually have (usually) some degree of musical talent. Other than that...

Okay the point is, I've been listening to Kelly Clarkson for the last few days and she's pretty good. Breakaway is pretty much one of the best "Boys are Trouble" albums ever. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted anybody to know my dark secret but I decided that I'm comin' out, and I'm letting the whole world know. Maybe revealing this fact brings me down to the status of a 13-year-old teeny bopper, I don't know. But anyway. Yeah. Now you know.

On a different note, Death Cab for Cutie's new album comes out tomorrow and I'm stoked. I might actually go out and buy the album. Yeah, I bet you thought you'd never hear me say that, huh. But it's Death Cab. Then again, I don't really have money.

To be decided.


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